What started out as a hobby, making an occasional Birthday cake for family or friends, has slowly built into a passion for making cakes and cupcakes for all types of occasions.
Overtime, we realised we were baking more cakes than we could eat - definitely not good for the waistline! With this in mind, we looked for ways we could share our treats and keep baking.
With a family member diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, we became aware of groups set up to help both carers and those suffering from memory loss.
It was a great opportunity for us to ‘Pay it Forward’ so we decided to share our delicious cupcakes with our local COG’s club in Chatham, run by Age Concern UK. The group enjoy an occasional yummy treat during their day sessions and there’s only ever crumbs left.
As requests for our cakes has grown, we decided to launch The Flour Cake Kitchen and at it’s heart is the opportunity to help make someone’s day just that little bit brighter.
With the continued support from our friends and customers, we will continue ‘to pay it forward’ and support local charities with their fund raising as well as providing beautiful cakes to the special people in your life ...❤️
Check out our events
page for further information